ASF Corporate Treasurer overview

The ASF's Treasurer is an executive officer with responsibility for managing our corporate finances, including overseeing payments received and paid, and designing and executing appropriate financial processes.

The Treasurer submits a monthly report to the board, and works closely with our accounting firm, IgniteSpot. The Treasurer works with our CPA to ensure that our taxes are filed regularly. The Treasurer works with Marketing & Public Relations to ensure that our quarterly and annual reports about the Foundation contain up-to-date financial information. And the Treasurer collaborates with the Vice President of Fundraising to ensure that sponsors' and donors' payments are received, tracked, and recognized. The Treasurer ensures the President and all executive officers have access to past and present financial information about their budgets for the purposes of planning and tracking.

Officers' and Members' questions

Officers with questions for the Treasurer, for example about invoicing and bill payments, can find that information on our Foundation internal Treasurer's Wiki.

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